Thursday, April 26, 2007

Idaho News - March 26, 2007

Bombs: More Fun Than Laundry According to squad commander Dan Lewin, the arsenal they found in Farmer's Idaho Falls hovel dwarfed any Lewin had seen in a decade—despite its quaint

Idaho nuclear reactor made available to university researchers IDAHO FALLS, Idaho - The US Department of Energy plans to make it easier for university researchers to use a nuclear reactor at the Idaho National

Father Sentenced for Injury to a Child Trevor Ohlemeier was charged after Idaho Falls Police were called to his 10th Street home because his daughter was outside for 20 minutes without shoes,

Idaho Soldiers return from Deployment in Iraq Currently, six soldiers will be arriving at 12:20 pm here in Pocatello, five soldiers will be arriving in Idaho Falls at 11:25 am, and five soldiers will be

Ammon Looking At Merging Fire Department Currently, the Bonneville County Fire District contracts with Idaho Falls and fire commissioners say there is a possibility that the contract could be

Idaho Web site design Company You'll enjoy a friendly, up front and personal working relationship with us as we design your website.. We'll go over any questions you may have and listen to your thoughts and input on what you

Jeremy’s Take: 5 Steps to a Better America It’s hard to argue that America isn’t in a bad place right now - our economy is in a constant state of instability, rising and falling with each passing event. Our president has, without a doubt, overextended the powers granted him by

ISU author and professor presents speech in IF on "Women Writers ... Susan Swetnam, professor of English at ISU, presented a speech on Monday, April 16, on "Women Writers of Idaho" at the Idaho Falls Public Library. One focus of this speech, which Swetnam has delivered before, was the fact that pioneer

Idaho Falls Fly Tying Expo Report I am seriously considering going this year (just became a life member) and wondered how it stacked up compared to Idaho Falls. While I understand this may be a loaded question; I would appreciate any comparisions that would help me with

Opinion bloggers, and paid for it There are some preliminary blogging efforts at the revamped Lewiston Tribune web site. The only public blog at the Idaho Falls Post Register has to do with its new press. Our guess is that a couple of years from now, there will be more.

One Lawsuit Settled Involving Idaho Falls Idaho Police Officer ... IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO – Two weeks ago we told you about a civil suit the City of Idaho Falls settled with two people who were arrested at their home. Officer Darin Moulton was named in that suit. The city's insurance company settled for ... Bad Cop News -